- Dec 21, 2023
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What are the 5 P`s of soc
The role of social media marketing is getting s
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Yes I
am very exciting because we`re going to start the drive into keyword research.
This is one of the most fundamental steps of SEO and the reason being is keywords in digital marketing
are where it all starts. That`s how people find you. If you do it in a great
way, great, you`re not only successful to get traffic but you`re going to get auctions.
If you do it wrong, you`re going to get traffic, presumptuous you follow all
the other resources I`m going to teach you, but if you do it wrong, you`re profitable
to get traffic but what you`ll find is you won`t get any sales at the end, and
I want to avoid you making that mistake. Additionally, you need traffic for keyword in digital marketing that
alters into leads or sales and that`s what this will explain you. And here`s
one of my favorite quotes it`s from the CEO of Google and he says "anytime
you type in a keyword as Google, we have gone and stowed copies of billions of
pages in our index. We take the keyword and match it against the pages and rank
them based on more than 250 signals. Things like significance, popularity and
how other people are using it". Google is observing at a lot of things, so
when you`re doing keyword research, don`t worry about the 200 factors; I know a
lot of SEOs talk about them. I`m going to break it down to the simplest conceivable
and you don`t have to worry about every single algorithm change or factor in
the algorithm because it`s just too complex and it`s just overpowering. As I
mentioned, picking the right keywords will make you more money, and picking the
wrong ones will hurt you. In my last startup, I was getting crudely four times
more traffic than my competition. They`re worth $800 million during their peak
and we weren`t even worth one-tenth of what they were worth. The reason being,
I picked the incorrect keywords that just show traffic isn`t everything.
most people start with Google Keyword Planner, right? It`s a free tool by
Google. You go in, you type in keywords and Google unevenly tells you how much
traffic a keyword gets or what it costs, but there`s something wrong with the method.
What`s wrong with it is, it tells you, hey, here`s a keyword it gets traffic or
it doesn`t get traffic, but it doesn`t necessarily tell you the most important
part is that traffic where your spectators is looking for? Is that traffic and
does it create leads or revenue? And that`s why I want you to skip using Google
Keyword Organizer.
recommend using a mixture of all of them because the more the merrier. I love
using Wikipedia, right? On Wikipedia pages, like let`s say if I looked up the
United States, it`ll mention things like other countries that are contiguous
us, like Canada or Mexico. It’ll mention things like the Statue of Liberty or
the Star-Spangled Banner. Things like Wikipedia or other content pages around
the web that have detailed content can give you keyword ideas as well because
these articles are occupied with lucrative keywords. So make sure when you`re analysis
content around the web, especially on participant sites, look at what words are
mentioning frequently. At first, you won`t notice why SEO is important, but
when you have that thought in your mind that your competition is using
keywords, you`ll start noticing what they`re saying over and over and over again.
concept of keywords is very similar to the Three Musketeers. They have a saying
"all for one and one for all". And here`s what I mean by this, we
call it the musketeer intent, but then again your intent, which is, Hey, our
website want to rank high on Google for a keyword needs to be alike to the
customer`s intent, which is, Hey, I`m observing for a keyword because it solves
a problem. If you want to know why keyword
research is important, you want to rank
because not only do you want traffic, but you need to be able to solve the
customer`s problem. If you solve their problem, you`re much more likely to
rank. On top of that, you also want to reflect about the influencer’s intent.
Why should people want to share your article on the social web or link to it?
Because if you get way more people connecting to you, your rankings are moneymaking
to be higher, so in essence, when you`re doing keyword research and creating
content and we`ll go into creating content in upcoming weeks, you need to make
sure the intent make straight with each of these three groups and don`t concern
about the details right now, we have worksheets and PDF that`ll support break
that all down for you and clarify you how to do it step by step.
you`re going after keywords, it all starts by understanding your goals. Do you
want to rank for the keyword because you want more sales or do you want your
product or service to generate more leads? Or do you want to feed different
sections of your sales funnel with more traffic? Do you want to build
awareness? Do you just want that brand recognition so everyone knows you like
Nike or American Express? Or do you want all that organic traffic so you can
remarket to those people and get them pending back to your site through ads?
journey looks something like this. It`s all distributed, not everyone goes
through all the steps, but in core, someone`s out there, you know, they may go
to a website or see a TV commercial or go back to your site or click on your
ads, but in general, they`re going through a journey, whether it`s opening up
your emails or reading the news and hearing about your company. Eventually,
they all start at the same position like Google
keyword planner and end up at the same
position, right? They all start with having a problem or considering for rather
and they all end up at the same place, which is they find the answer and they
tend to do the transaction like they buy a product or they become a lead to
learn more information. But you need to remember when you`re going through
this; your customer is a person. They`re not a robot, they`re not a machine,
and they’re real people. Like if you`re selling beard products, would you
target clean-shaven people? Of course not, and if you don`t understand your
customers, you`re going to be wasting a lot of time.
addition to that you essentially think about expert, right? Hark back to how I
mentioned, hey, it`s not just about you or the individual searching, it`s also
about authority because authority is what leads to more social shares and
backlinks and we`ll drive over back connecting in the up and coming weeks. But
if you`re not getting that authority and successful after the right
influencers, you`re not going to get the links, which means it`s going to be tougher
to rank.
are five steps to keyword success. The first is you need know about what are keywords and to
build your keyword list, and then need to research your target musketeer, and
then you need to understand the keyword metrics. Next, you essential to match
the client journey and of course, last but not least, you need to polish your
keyword list.
first building a keyword list from keyword
explorer, you go to neilpatel.com/training
and you`ll be able to download the PDF there and it breaks down how you can use
it and what you need to do step by step.
you need to exploration your target musketeer right? It`s all about researching
that individual. So let`s take an example, Dollar Shave Club. They`re a company
that offers shaving products and their mission is to help guys take care of
their attentions and bodies so they can be their best selves, right? And
they`re based in Venice, California and their whole model was razors and all
these things are expensive, let`s just send them to people every month, make it
simple and make it affordable. So keeping the Dollar Shave example in mind,
there are a few places where you can go to understand your customer.
You can
go to places like Forums where you can find what
are keywords in SEO and everything relate to
digital marketing. Just Google your keyword plus the word forums, or it could
be you know, board as well some people call them message boards or boards or
groups. It`s a great place where you can see what difficulties people are
facing and what explanations they`re looking for. It`s all about understanding
people because understanding them is what will help you lead that guest into a
you get them to your site. Wikipedia is a countless place to go as well, liable
on what you`re observing up. Even things like shaving, they have diverse
sections in there like, shaving in religion or myths or antiquity. This will
all tell you what people are looking at because the way people write Wikipedia
articles isn`t just Wikipedia articles, it`s a community. Everyone`s adjusting
it and they`re adjusting that article to be the best article out there to help
people looking for information on that subject and are looking to solve their
another amazing place. You can see what`s uploaded. Things that are uploaded
tend to be more popular and this will give your ideas on what more people are
interested in and learn more about what are
keywords in digital marketing, which is
great for you because the last thing you want to do is create content and go
after keywords and subjects that people aren`t that interested in.
tool that I love, this is one of my favorite ones and I use this like once
every three days at least it`s Google Trends cause you can type in keywords and
it`ll tell you what`s trending and this is great because you want to know where
the market`s going. You don`t want to just be reactive as a marketer or as an SEO;
you want to be proactive and going after areas that people are going to be more
interested in in the future. And Google Trends shows you that, right? It shows
you what`s trending and what`s becoming more and more popular over time. You
can also associate intent through prepositions.
also Quora, it`s one of the most popular questions and answers sites. You can
see what`s popular, whatever has tons of answers. People are possibly
interested in that subject and are observing for answers as well.
other thing that you can do is just Google for the term and look at the results
in the top 10 this will give your idea of, hey, these are what people want to
read about. Because Google doesn`t just rank sites at the top based on what types of keywords they put
in or what links are pointing to their website. As the CEO of Google mentioned,
they look at things like popularity, experience. So if a lot of people are
reading an article and they stick around for 10 minutes versus they read
another article from a competitor and they stick around for two seconds and
they bounce away, what do you think going to happen? Well, the one where
everyone`s sticking around for minutes, that one`s going to rank higher but the
one where people bounce away within two seconds, it`ll tell Google that, hey,
doesn`t matter how many links this has or what their fillings about, people
don`t like this outcome, so we shouldn`t rank it that highly.
Facebook Audience Insight
Now, one thing I want you to do is that I definitely check what keywords are my competitors using, and this is one of my favorite tactics but a lot of SEOs don`t do this, I want you to set up Facebook and Audience Insights. Okay? This doesn`t mean you`re going to be spending money on Facebook or you have to run ads or anything like that, don`t worry. See what`s effective about Facebook Audience Insights is they`ll tell you precisely all the people who are staying your website, what they like, what their interests are, so that way you can do better targeting. And the way you figure this out is you can look at Facebook`s Pixel Guide and install their pixel. When you connect their pixel, what will happen is they`re going to end up chasing the data on your website and they`ll end up giving you the demographic data on the people who are staying your website, so you can see their welfares and it`ll help you determine what keywords you should go after.
So step
one, log into Facebook and click on Pixels and once you end up doing that.
2: Next
step is you click Get Started.
3: And
then from there, you know after you created your pixel, you want to name your
pixel, whatever you want to call it, you can just name it the name of your
4: Then
from there you want to email it to a developer to install it or you can install
it yourself, it`s kind of like installing Google Analytics
5: Step
five is to View and copy the code into the head of your site and once you end
up doing that, you know you`re off into the races and then boom, within the
time you`ll be able to see that, hey, Facebook is telling me Audience Insights.
And if you want to track to see, if you did it right, there`s also Chrome
extension that you can install and it`ll tell you if you did it right or wrong.
The role of social media marketing is getting s
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